martedì 10 maggio 2016

{Book Blitz + Giveaway} "The Midnight Sea" di Kat Ross

Anche quest'oggi vi voglio parlare di uno young adult, appartenente al genere fantasy, pubblicato giusto in data odierna. The Midnight Sea è il primo volume della serie Fourth Element, scritto da Kat Ross. Abbinato a questo post vi è anche un giveaway (valido però solo per USA e Canada) che mette in palio ben 3 copie autografate del primo romanzo da lei scritto, il thriller distopico Some Fine Day. Non mi resta che lasciarvi alla scheda e all'estratto di questo romanzo dalla cover favolosa!

The Midnight Sea
Kat Ross
(Fourth Element #1)
Data di Pubblicazione: 10 Maggio 2016
Genere: Fantasy, Young Adult
Sono la luce contro le tenebre.
L'acciaio contro la negromanzia del Druj.
E usano demoni per cacciare i demoni….
Nazafareen vive per la vendetta. Una ragazza dell'isolato Clan Quattro-Gambe, tutto ciò che sa sul Re della cerchia Water Dogs è che essi si legano a creature malvagie chiamate Daeva per proteggere l'impero dai Non Morti. Ma quando arrivano gli osservatori per reclutare i giovani con il dono, lei coglie l'occasione per entrare nei loro ranghi. Per cacciare i mostri che hanno ucciso sua sorella.
Segnata dal dolore, è disposta a pagare qualsiasi prezzo, anche se questo richiede il collegamento con un Daeva chiamato Darius. Umano nel corpo, è posseduto da un potere terrificante, quello che Nazafareen controlla. Ma le manette dorate che li tengono uniti hanno un effetto collaterale indesiderato. Ognuno sperimenta le emozioni dell'altro, e umano e Daeva iniziano a crescere pericolosamente vicini.
Mentre inseguono un nemico mortale attraverso il deserto arido della Pianura del Great Salt verso la scintillante capitale di Persepolae, dissotterrando i segreti del passato di Darius lungo la strada, Nazafareen è costretta a mettere in discussione la schiavitù di lui — e la propria fedeltà all'impero. Ma con un antico male ad agitarsi nel nord, e un giovane conquistatore dall'ovest, il fato di un'intera civiltà potrebbe essere in gioco...

My eyes flew open at the crack of dawn. I groaned and rubbed my forehead. My scalp tingled, an icy, unpleasant sensation. I knew right away where Darius was and what he was doing. It was another side effect of the bond, I’d discovered. I could feel his heart beating. I knew that one of his boots was too tight. I could shut my eyes and tell you exactly where he was, even if he was hundreds of leagues away.
Why had no one told me what it would be like? I supposed Tijah did, but this was much worse than I’d expected. Much, much worse.
I threw on my new scarlet tunic and marched down to the river. Tendrils of mist swirled through the dead reeds at the edge. It was late autumn and the air had a dank chill that promised snow.
My daēva stood there, stripped to the waist, pouring water over his head with his right hand. He wore a gold faravahar on a chain around his neck, its eagle wings spread wide. His left arm lay at his side, grey and dead. I stared at his shoulder, at the juncture where smooth skin met rough. His Druj curse.
It slowed me for a moment, seeing that pathetic arm, but I wasn’t yet ready to forgive him for waking me. That was my excuse, anyway. Of course, what really angered me was the terrible realization that I was burdened with a sorrow not my own, but that bled me nonetheless. What really angered me was him—everything about him.
He was calmer this morning, but I wasn’t. I stopped about twenty feet away. He didn’t turn around although he knew I was there.
“It’s nice that you’re so pious,” I said. “But don’t you think it’s a little early to be down here performing the morning rites?”
He paused, then dumped the last of the water from the bowl. I felt the cold trickle down my spine and my lips tightened.
“I was taught by the magi to come at first light,” Darius said. “Did you expect to sleep in? I’m afraid that’s not the way it works for Water Dogs.” He smiled, and we both knew it was fake. “I’m sorry if I’ve offended you in some way.”
I stared at him, at the dark hair plastered across his forehead, his stubborn mouth. He looked so human. And yet there was something in the way Darius held himself, perfectly at ease in his own skin. Still but coiled, like the wolves I’d seen in the mountains.
“You haven’t offended me in the least,” I said. “I suppose you need the blessing more than I do.”
I spun on my heel and walked away, knowing I had wounded him. A small stab to my own heart. And I felt slightly ashamed. But that wasn’t the end of it. Then I felt his satisfaction at my shame. And my own anger that he knew and was glad.
And then his amusement at my anger!
I stalked off, determined to think nothing, to feel nothing, ever again.
If only it were that easy.

Biografia dell'Autrice
Kat Ross ha lavorato come giornalista alle Nazioni Unite per dieci anni prima di dedicarsi felicemente a ciò che ama di più: costruire cose. Vive a Westchester con il suo bimbo e alcuni gatti assonnati. Kat è anche autrice del thriller distopico Some Fine Day (Skyscape, 2014), che parla di un mondo dove i livelli del mare sono aumentati di sessanta metri. Ama la magia, i mostri e gli scenari apocalittici. Preferibilmente con i mutanti.

(Traduzione a cura di Morgana per il blog Over the hills and far away)

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