lunedì 15 maggio 2017

{Book Blitz + Giveaway} "Lady of Sherwood" di Molly Bilinski

Buongiorno Folletti, oggi sono felice di presentarvi il primo capitolo della serie Outlaws of Sherwood, Lady of Sherwood di Molly Bilinski. Al termine di questo post troverete il giveaway che mette in palio una Mistery Box targata Clean Teen Publishing (nel caso di vincitori internazionali i premi consisteranno in ebook). Detto questo, procediamo subito!

Lady of Sherwood
Molly Bilinski
(Outlaws of Sherwood #1)
Pubblicato da: Clean Teen Publishing
Data di pubblicazione: 24 aprile 2017
Genere: Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Young Adult
Robin of Lockesly non era ne' il figlio che suo padre cercava, ne' la figlia che sua madre si aspettava. Quando rifiuta un matrimonio combinato con un duro e crudele cavaliere, gli eventi mortali che seguono cambiano per sempre il suo destino.
Dopo una notte di tragedia, Robin e i pochi sopravvissuti rimangono a Nottingham. Con un anonimato ritrovato, iniziano a vivere vite diverse. Là, lei e la sua banda fanno male, derubando i ricchi per dare ai poveri. Ma la carità non è la sola cosa che vuole: vuole vendetta.
Mentre lo sceriffo avvicina la sua rete, le scelte di Robin iniziano a perseguitarla. Dovrà scegliere tra ciò che è legale e quello che la sua coscienza crede sia giusto: il tutto rimanendo un passo avanti all'impulso.
Lady of Sherwood è uno young adult unico che ripercorre la leggenda di Robin Hood. Completo di azione e romanticismo, questa nuova serie segue un'eroina giovane lungo le sue fantastiche e pericolose avventure.
Other girls—some of the youngest ones from the kitchen—came from the brush. Smoke clung to them like a shroud, and tears had run in rivers down soot-stained cheeks. Ginny, the youngest at six, ran to Jemma and attached herself like a limpet to the older girl’s legs.
“Where is everyone else?” Robin asked, glancing between them and then back at the flaming manor. “Where is—where’s—” Her face heated even as the rest of her body grew chilled, and she stuffed her first in her mouth to muffle her scream.
“We are the only ones.”
Robin looked up at Kitty, surprised to find herself on her knees in the damp grass. She curled her shaking fingers into fists, and then rested them on her thighs. “How—what happened?”
“That man,” the girl went on, absently twisting her skirt in her hands. “The one who’d been courting you… he came for you in the night. When he couldn’t find you, he gathered everyone in the great hall.”
“Except you lot?” Jemma inquired.
“He was hurting her.” Kitty’s eyes took on a glossy quality. “He had Maggie by the hair, and he was hurting her. She had Ginny behind her, protecting her. I—I hit him over the head with a candle stand.”
“We went through the old tunnel,” another voice piped up. Maggie slipped her hand into Kitty’s. “Me and Kitty and Ginny.”
“And my—my mother?” Robin took a deep, shuddering breath.
“She kept her secret. We heard ‘im, shouting. He wanted to know where you was.” Ginny, this time. She wandered away from Jemma, and Robin opened her arms for her to nestle into. She’d helped Jemma look after the younger servants on the sly for years. Whether they’d been orphaned at birth or left to the streets, Jemma had brought them each back to the manor, and she’d given them a home and a hope the rest of the world didn’t offer. “She didn’t tell, Robin. She didn’t tell him where you was.”
“I heard Charlotte say you were gone,” Maggie said quietly. “She’d gone to your mother’s chambers to tell her. Miss Jemma was gone, too, and so was your bow.” She shrugged, a delicate lift of her shoulders. “We all thought you had gone to the field.”
“And she said nothing?” Robin’s heart beat hard against her ribcage.
“Lady was very brave,” Ginny murmured.
“She was,” Robin agreed. “Like you are. You all.” She looked at each of the other girls, who stared back, clearly waiting.
It hit her then—they were waiting for her. With the only survivors of the manor in front of her, and her mother dead—God rest her soul, God hold them all in His hand—it occurred to her in that moment. She was the Lady of Lockesly.

Bio dell'Autrice:
Molly è una diplomata del 2013 al William Smith College con una laurea in Chimica. Usa i suoi poteri scientifici di giorno ed è una romanziera di notte (e nel weekend.. e ogni cinque minuti che trova). Quando non scrive o lavora, scopre negozi di caffè, esplora la sua nuova città (Buffalo, NY), facendo gite di un giorno in Canada, e mettendo insieme i pezzi di puzzle.


(Traduzioni a cura di Morgana per il blog Over the hills and far away)


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